Are you ready?

Are you ready?

If Jesus came tomorrow, are you ready? Is it well with your soul? Nothing you are working on right now, struggling with, saving for, or scheduling is as important as knowing to whom you belong. Before you do one more thing, make sure you know Jesus as your Savior. He...
Jesus meets us where we are ~

Jesus meets us where we are ~

When you read John 21:1-19, you read that Jesus meets Peter and the other disciples by the Sea of Galilee. But the first question you have is why are they out fishing and why is Jesus waiting for them onshore.And to know that we have to go back. Back to the...
His love changes everything…

His love changes everything…

There was a time when I stood before the mirror in the bathroom, with pills in the palm of my hand, and had no hope. I had hoped in myself but failed daily. I had hoped in my husband, but he wasn’t happy and couldn’t lift me from my sorrow. I had hoped in...
Are you looking for gold stars?

Are you looking for gold stars?

I grew up with one of these charts. Whether I was at school or church, we would track with gold stars our good attendance, bible reading, behavior, and how clean we kept our desks. I loved seeing those stars line up and the accomplishment I felt.But honestly, gold...

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