
We live in a world of chaos. We can see that as we turn on the TV, listen to the radio, scan the internet, or look out into our very own backyard. But that wasn’t the original plan. We read in God’s Word that Adam and Eve walked in the garden with God and they had perfect wholeness – perfect shalom. When sin entered the world that shalom was shattered and God has been working ever since to restore His peace to our world.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace! He came to not only bring order to the chaos but show us how to do that. He spoke with authority over the “storms” and prayed earnestly to His Father – resting in His peace and love. We, as His body, have a responsibility to claim that same PEACE and release it to the world. It will not only unite us but fight against the enemy and take back what he has stolen from us – perfect shalom!

Starting today, learn to speak His peace over your situation, your community, and our world! Let us be the Peacemakers and share the Gospel of Peace!

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