Today I turn 52. It’s been an amazing journey so far, but if I could go back in time and give this little girl a message, I would say this…
Don’t ever lose your sense of humor and the ability to laugh. There will be times when your world gets dark, and there is no reason to smile. But keep your joy!Don’t forget who you are in Christ! He loves you and has great plans for you. There will be a time when you will turn your back to that, but keep fighting to know your identity in Him.Know that each day you are fighting against an enemy you can’t see, and he wants nothing more than to take you out. Put on the full armor. God’s Word is your ultimate weapon.Always listen to the Lord. He knows what’s best for you. When you listen to your own flesh, you will fail.Life will go by too quickly. Before you know it, you will have a family, and they will start their own lives. Enjoy every minute. Stay in the moment. Don’t concern yourself with the trivial things that don’t matter. Life is a gift. Live. Love. Serve. Teach. Never stay quiet for Jesus. Embrace the commission. Send the message out to the four corners of the world until your very last breath.
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