
As a Reverend working with people daily, I often get this question: “Why is the world this way? Why is my life so hard?” And each time I’m asked, I share that the way we see the world today was not God’s original design. We were meant to live with God – in peace, joy, and love. The brokenness and sin broke in back in the garden when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. Today, we see countless generations of sin and the consequences of those choices and actions.
But that’s not the end of our story. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, into this broken world to cancel the works of the devil. He not only conquered sin and death so that we could once again have that relationship with our Father God and live in peace, joy, and love no matter the shape of the world – but He’s coming again to take us home.
I want to encourage you today to keep going, keep taking one step at a time, keep rebuking the devil – and keep trusting God and His plans. He is still on the throne, and we can be confident of how this story ends.


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