This is 52…

Today I turn 52. It’s been an amazing journey so far, but if I could go back in time and give this little girl a message, I would say this…Don’t ever lose your sense of humor and the ability to laugh. There will be times when your world gets dark,...

The Cross

When we look to the cross, we see God’s:LoveRestorationForgivenessWrathPowerHis ð™‡ð™¤ð™«ð™š is why He sent Jesus, to ð«ðžð¬ð­ð¨ð«ðž...

Hold On

Living in the world today feels a little like this; battling a hurricane. The wind blows, debris comes flying in all directions, and the rain is coming down so fast it’s hard to see. The fact of the matter is our enemy, the devil, will try and blow you right off...

Looking for Truth?

Are you looking for truth, wisdom, and revelation? It will only come from God’s Word – not the world.”I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him...

Do you hear Him?

Do you hear Him? The still, small voice inside you guiding, protecting, encouraging, and telling you He loves you and to whom you belong? It’s different from the other voices of this world- loud, discouraging, hateful, trying to convince you that you are not...

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