Don’t Give Up!

The enemy wants nothing more than for you to let go, give up, fall away, and forget everything God has done for you. Keep rebuking the devil. Keep trusting God! You CAN do this! God’s got you! “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I...

A Prayer for Today

Father God,Thank you for waking me up today, for the breath in my lungs, and for the blessings that I have. But I have to admit that I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting this hard and continually being brought down. I don’t have the energy to start one...


I think over the years, I’ve had trouble with receiving. For me, I have too easily forgotten that what God has already done through Jesus’s death, burial and resurrection allows me to receive everything God wants to give me. I don’t need to pray for...

Do Not Lose Faith!

What road are you walking today? If the road is rich with life and happiness, praise God! But if you are walking in the desert, feeling as if everything is drying up around you – praise God and do not lose faith.Second Corinthians 4:8-9, 16-18 says this:...

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