And so we wait…

I cannot imagine what the disciples went through when they woke up the next day -the day after the crucifixion. They were hiding in the upper room, afraid, alone, and all their hope was gone. They had heard Jesus say that in a little while, they would see Him no more,...

The Cup

When I look through the Bible and scan every page, there is no greater example of suffering with obedience and joy than our Savior, Jesus Christ. He knew that He would suffer and die for our sins, yet He continued to walk toward the cross without hesitation and leaned...

He Made the Altar a Table

In the Old Testament, the altar ran red with the continuing sacrifices for the atonement of sin. Exodus and Leviticus share specific details God gave His people for the many different offerings and sacrifices needed. Yet, in the New Testament, we read of a table and a...

The Good News

Do you know why Jesus was sent? Luke 4:42-44 tells us it was to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. I’ve read this repeatedly, but it never really sank in until a pastor spent a Sunday morning camped on this verse. I underlined it and made a note so that...

Beauty for Ashes

When we look to the cross, we are reminded that God is a God of Renewal. He’s always working, always restoring, constantly rebuilding from the brokenness of our lives. Isaiah 61 tells us that Jesus was sent to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the...

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